<?php // Copyright 1999-2024. Plesk International GmbH. All rights reserved. // vim: set et : require_once('sdk.php'); define('TARGET_VERSION', '18.0.58'); define('RESULT_NETWORK_PROBLEM', 1); define('RESULT_ERROR', 2); define('RESULT_LICENSE_PROBLEM', 3); define('RESULT_LICENSE_OK', 4); function finish($rc, $sure = true) { if ($rc !== 0) { fwrite(STDERR, "\n"); if ($sure) { fwrite(STDERR, "Your license key is not compatible with Plesk Obsidian.\n"); } else { fwrite(STDERR, "Your license key may not be compatible with Plesk Obsidian.\n"); } fwrite(STDERR, "You need to upgrade your license before updating Plesk.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "For details, refer to the KB https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023612594\n"); } exit($rc); } $skipFlag = PRODUCT_VAR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "plesk-installer-skip-license-key-check.flag"; if (file_exists($skipFlag)) { fwrite(STDERR, "Plesk license key upgrade availability check was skipped due to a flag file.\n"); exit(0); } if (!function_exists('of_get_key_by_product') || !function_exists('of_get_versions')) { fwrite(STDERR, "Plesk license key upgrade availability check should be run on sw-engine only.\n"); exit(2); } foreach (["plesk-unified", "plesk-unix", "plesk-win"] as $prod) { $key = of_get_key_by_product($prod); if ($key !== false) { break; } } if ($key === false) { fwrite(STDERR, "No Plesk license key was found. License upgrade check is skipped.\n"); finish(0); } $targetVersion = TARGET_VERSION; $vers = of_get_versions($key); /* plesk >= 10.0.0 */ if (!is_array($vers)) { $vers = [$vers]; } $match = false; foreach ($vers as $ver) { if (!is_array($ver)) { $match |= strtok($ver, ".") == strtok($targetVersion, "."); } else { $match |= ("any" == $ver[0] || version_compare($ver[0], $targetVersion) <= 0) && ("any" == $ver[1] || version_compare($ver[1], $targetVersion) >= 0); } } if ($match) { fwrite(STDERR, "You do not need to upgrade the current license key.\n"); fwrite(STDOUT, "License upgrade check to $targetVersion can be skipped.\n"); fwrite(STDOUT, "Plesk versions compatible with the license key: " . preg_replace('/\n\s*/', '', var_export($vers, true)) . "\n"); finish(0); } if (!function_exists('ka_is_key_upgrade_available')) { // Plesk 17.0 fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot check whether Plesk license key upgrade is available.\n"); finish(1, false); } $si = getServerInfo(); $result = ka_is_key_upgrade_available($prod, $targetVersion, $si); $isConfused = false; switch ($result['code']) { case RESULT_LICENSE_OK: fwrite(STDERR, "The licensing server accepted the key upgrade request.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "License upgrade to $targetVersion is available.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Response from the licensing server: {$result['message']}\n"); finish(0); case RESULT_NETWORK_PROBLEM: fwrite(STDERR, "Unable to connect to the licensing server to check if license upgrade is available.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Error message: {$result['message']}\n"); finish(2, false); case RESULT_LICENSE_PROBLEM: fwrite(STDERR, "Warning: Your Plesk license key cannot be upgraded.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Response from the licensing server: {$result['message']}\n"); finish(2); default: $isConfused = true; // fall-through case RESULT_ERROR: // This includes "Software Update Service (SUS) is not found for the given license key" case, but also many others. fwrite(STDERR, "Failed to check whether a new license key is available.\n"); fwrite(STDERR, "Error message: {$result['message']}\n"); if ($isConfused) { fwrite(STDERR, "Error code: {$result['code']}\n"); } finish(2, !$isConfused); }