package Mail::SpamAssassin::CmdManageSA3; use strict; use Errno; use POSIX; use Text::Iconv; use MIME::Base64 (); use MIME::QuotedPrint (); use Mail::SpamAssassin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Message; use Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgLearner; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use constant BIG_BYTES => 256*1024; # 256k is a big email ## Pathes definition use constant PID_DIR => '/var/run/spamd'; ## Pidfiles directory use constant SOCK_DIR => '/tmp'; ## Named pipe directory use constant PSA_CFG => '/etc/psa/psa.conf'; ## PSA configuration file use constant HOOK_TMPL => 'spam'; ## template for use in mailmng --handler-name option sub SPAM_HOOK() { ## Hook for using spamc return $main::SPAM_HOOK_BIN; } sub SPAM_HOOK_PRIORITY() { return $main::SPAM_HOOK_PRIORITY; } sub SPAM_HOOK_TEMPLATE() { return $main::SPAM_HOOK_TEMPLATE; } sub SERVER_CONFIG_DIR() { ## Server's config directory path return $main::LOCAL_RULES_DIR; } sub SERVER_CONFIG_FILE() { ## Server's config file path return $main::LOCAL_RULES_DIR . '/'; } #sub QMAIL_LOCAL { ## Path to qmail-local binary # return $main::QMAIL_DIR . '/bin/qmail-local'; #} ## Options definition use constant OPTIONS => { 'sensitivity' => sub { return { 'required_score' => shift } }, 'modify-header' => sub { return { 'rewrite_header' => 'subject ' . shift } }, 'not-modify-header' => sub { return { 'rewrite_header' => 'subject' } }, 'add-to-whitelist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'whitelist_from'} || ''); push @list, split(/,\s*/, $new); @list = map $_, keys %{ { map { $_, 1 } @list } }; return { 'whitelist_from' => join(' ', @list) } }, 'add-to-blacklist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'blacklist_from'} || ''); push @list, split(/,\s*/, $new); @list = map $_, keys %{ { map { $_, 1 } @list } }; return { 'blacklist_from' => join(' ', @list) } }, 'add-to-unwhitelist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'unwhitelist_from'} || ''); push @list, split(/,\s*/, $new); @list = map $_, keys %{ { map { $_, 1 } @list } }; return { 'unwhitelist_from' => join(' ', @list) } }, 'add-to-unblacklist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'unblacklist_from'} || ''); push @list, split(/,\s*/, $new); @list = map $_, keys %{ { map { $_, 1 } @list } }; return { 'unblacklist_from' => join(' ', @list) } }, 'del-from-whitelist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'whitelist_from'} || ''); my @del_list = split(/,\s*/, $new); my $i = 0; while ($i < @list) { if (grep $list[$i] eq $_, @del_list) { splice(@list, $i, 1) } else { $i++ } } my $str = join(' ', @list); return { 'whitelist_from' => length($str) ? $str : undef } }, 'del-from-blacklist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'blacklist_from'} || ''); my @del_list = split(/,\s*/, $new); my $i = 0; while ($i < @list) { if (grep $list[$i] eq $_, @del_list) { splice(@list, $i, 1) } else { $i++ } } my $str = join(' ', @list); return { 'blacklist_from' => length($str) ? $str : undef } }, 'del-from-unwhitelist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'unwhitelist_from'} || ''); my @del_list = split(/,\s*/, $new); my $i = 0; while ($i < @list) { if (grep $list[$i] eq $_, @del_list) { splice(@list, $i, 1) } else { $i++ } } my $str = join(' ', @list); return { 'unwhitelist_from' => length($str) ? $str : undef } }, 'del-from-unblacklist' => sub { my $new = shift; my $old = shift; my @list = split(/\s+/, $old->{'blacklist_from'} || ''); my @del_list = split(/,\s*/, $new); my $i = 0; while ($i < @list) { if (grep $list[$i] eq $_, @del_list) { splice(@list, $i, 1) } else { $i++ } } my $str = join(' ', @list); return { 'unblacklist_from' => length($str) ? $str : undef } }, }; ## User name which the POP3 server running under use constant POPUSER => 'popuser'; ## Apache user use constant APACHEUSER => 'psaadm'; ## Default charset for output subject line use constant DEFAULT_CHARSET => 'utf8'; ## Command line argumets use constant COMMANDS => [ qw/start stop restart status/ ]; ## Exit codes use constant EX_OK => 0; ## normal exit use constant EX_STOPPED => 1; ## daemon is not running use constant EX_USAGE => 64; ## command line usage error use constant EX_DATAERR => 65; ## data format error use constant EX_NOINPUT => 66; ## cannot open input use constant EX_NOUSER => 67; ## addressee unknown use constant EX_NOHOST => 68; ## host name unknown use constant EX_UNAVAILABLE => 69; ## service unavailable use constant EX_SOFTWARE => 70; ## internal software error use constant EX_OSERR => 71; ## system error (e.g., can't fork) use constant EX_OSFILE => 72; ## critical OS file missing use constant EX_CANTCREAT => 73; ## can't create (user) output file use constant EX_IOERR => 74; ## input/output error use constant EX_TEMPFAIL => 75; ## temp failure; user is invited to retry use constant EX_PROTOCOL => 76; ## remote error in protocol use constant EX_NOPERM => 77; ## permission denied use constant EX_CONFIG => 78; ## configuration erroruse constant EX_USAGE => 64; ## Translator errno-to-ex use constant ERRNO2EX => { EACCES() => EX_NOPERM(), EPERM() => EX_NOPERM(), ENOENT() => EX_OSERR(), }; ## Global variables use vars qw/ @preferencesA %preferencesH %opts %cmds $full_daemon_pid $psa_config $spamtest $messagecount $learnedcount $isspam $forget $max_children /; ########################################################################### ## Main access point ## >> class ## << none sub cmdline_run($) { my $class = shift; my $result = EX_OK(); ## First, check for we are running under right user $result = $class->user_check_do(); return $result if $result; ## Parse command line $result = $class->cmdline_parse(); return $result if $result; ## Process options $result = $class->bayes_train() if $opts{'bayes'} || $opts{'list-mailbox'} || $opts{'info'}; return $result if $result; $result = $class->change_mail_prefs() if $opts{'enable-mailname'} || $opts{'disable-mailname'} || $opts{'enable-checking'} || $opts{'disable-checking'}; return $result if $result; $result = $class->update_configuration(1) if grep($opts{$_}, keys %{ OPTIONS() }) || scalar @preferencesA || scalar keys %preferencesH; return $result if $result; $result = $class->mailnames_mass_action() if !$opts{'mailname'} && ($opts{'enable'} || $opts{'disable'}); return $result if $result; ## Process commands $result = $class->start_daemon(1) if $cmds{start}; return $result if $result; $result = $class->stop_daemon(1) if $cmds{stop}; return $result if $result; $result = $class->restart_daemon(1) if $cmds{restart}; return $result if $result; $result = $class->status_daemon(1) if $cmds{status}; return $result if $result; return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Checks for we are running under the right user ## >> class ## << exitcode sub user_check_do($) { my $class = shift; ## Not root - may be we are running by apache? if ($<) { my $uid = getpwnam(APACHEUSER()); if ($< != $uid) { ## Not apache - warn and exit print "You are running script under user '" . getpwuid($<) . "' "; print "but 'root' or '" . APACHEUSER() . "' only allowed.\n"; return EX_USAGE(); } ## Ok, we are under apache. Set real user/group to effective $< = $>; $( = $); } return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Bayesian train ## >> class ## << exitcode sub bayes_train($) { my $class = shift; ## Load PSA configuration file unless ($psa_config) { $psa_config = $class->config_parse(PSA_CFG()); return EX_CONFIG() unless $psa_config; } ## Get mails list my ($name, $domain) = split '@', $opts{mailname}; my $path = $psa_config->{'PLESK_MAILNAMES_D'} . "/$domain/$name"; my $bayes_override_path = $path . '/.spamassassin/bayes'; # create the tester factory $spamtest = new Mail::SpamAssassin( { config_text => '#', ####################### It speeds up!!! ## rules_filename => $main::DEF_RULES_DIR,# $opt{'configpath'}, # site_rules_filename => $opt{'siteconfigpath'}, ## userprefs_filename => $path . '/user_prefs',# $opt{'prefspath'}, # username => POPUSER,# $opt{'username'}, # debug => defined( $opt{'debug-level'} ), local_tests_only => 1, dont_copy_prefs => 1, PREFIX => $main::PREFIX,# $PREFIX, DEF_RULES_DIR => $main::DEF_RULES_DIR,# $DEF_RULES_DIR, LOCAL_RULES_DIR => $main::LOCAL_RULES_DIR,# $LOCAL_RULES_DIR, } ); $spamtest->init(1); # init() above ties to the db r/o and leaves it that way # so we need to untie before dumping (it'll reopen) $spamtest->finish_learner(); $spamtest->{conf}->{bayes_path} = $bayes_override_path; if (defined $opts{'clear'}) { unless ($spamtest->{bayes_scanner}->{store}->clear_database()) { $spamtest->finish_learner(); print "ERROR: Bayes clear returned an error\n"; return EX_OSERR(); } $spamtest->finish_learner(); print "Bayes database is cleared.\n"; # return EX_OK(); } $spamtest->init_learner( { force_expire => 0,# $opt{'force-expire'}, learn_to_journal => 0,# $opt{'nosync'}, wait_for_lock => 1, caller_will_untie => 1 } ); # sync the journal first if we're going to go r/w so we make sure to # learn everything before doing anything else. # $spamtest->rebuild_learner_caches(); # run this lot in an eval block, so we can catch die's and clear # up the dbs. my $result = eval { $SIG{INT} = \&killed; $SIG{TERM} = \&killed; my $iter = new Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator( { 'opt_j' => 1,# 0, 'opt_n' => 1, 'opt_all' => 0, # don't train for big letters } ); if ( $opts{'bayes'} ) { $iter->set_functions( \&wanted, sub { } ); $messagecount = 0; $learnedcount = 0; for my $name (qw/ham spam forget/) { $isspam = 0; $forget = 0; ## Flush values ## How we need to do if ($name eq 'ham') { $isspam = 0 } elsif ($name eq 'spam') { $isspam = 1 } elsif ($name eq 'forget') { $forget = 1 } ## Ok, collect targets my @targets; for (@{$opts{$name}}) { push @targets, grep -f, glob $_ } next unless @targets; @targets = map { ($isspam ? 'spam' : 'ham') . ":detect:$_" } @targets; eval { $iter->run(@targets); }; if ($@) { print "$@\n"; return EX_SOFTWARE() } # if ($@ && $@ !~ /HITLIMIT/) { print "$@\n"; return EX_SOFTWARE() } } print "Learned from $learnedcount message(s) ($messagecount message(s) examined).\n"; } if ( $opts{'list-mailbox'} ) { my @targets; for my $p ($path . '/Maildir/new', $path . '/Maildir/cur') { push @targets, ("h:dir:$p") if grep -f, glob "$p/*"; } if (@targets) { $iter->set_functions( \&wanted_seen, sub { } ); eval { $iter->run(@targets); }; if ($@) { print "$@\n"; return EX_SOFTWARE() } } } if ( $opts{'info'} ) { #$spamtest->{bayes_scanner}->{store}->tie_db_readonly(); my($sb,$ns,$nh,$nt,$le,$oa,$bv,$js,$ad,$er,$na) = $spamtest->{bayes_scanner}->{store}->get_storage_variables(); print "Spam: $ns\tHam: $nh\n"; } return EX_OK(); }; if ($@) { print "$@\n"; $result = EX_SOFTWARE() } $spamtest->finish_learner(); ## Be a popuser if (($path . '/.spamassassin/') =~ /^(.+)$/) { $path = $1; } else { print "Cannot determine user's spamassassin settings directory.\n"; exit EX_DATAERR(); } system('chown', ('-R', POPUSER() . ':' . POPUSER(), $path)); return $result; } ########################################################################### ## Lists user's mailbox ## >> class ## << exitcode sub list_mailbox($) { my $class = shift; return $class->bayes_train(); } ########################################################################### ## Decodes MIME-coded header ## >> class ## >> raw header ## << clear header sub decode_header($$) { my $class = shift; my $header = shift; ## Redefine charset if we need it my $output_charset = $opts{'output-charset'} || DEFAULT_CHARSET(); while ($header =~ /=\?(.+?)\?(\w)\?(.+?)\?=/) { my $charset = $1; my $encoding_type = $2; my $encoded_body = $3; my $decoded_body; if (uc($encoding_type) eq 'Q') { ## 'Q' type $decoded_body = $encoded_body; $decoded_body =~ s/_/=20/g; $decoded_body = MIME::QuotedPrint::decode($decoded_body); } else { ## Not - 'Q' - allways 'B' $decoded_body = MIME::Base64::decode_base64($encoded_body); } ## Ok, try to convert from subject's charset to output one if ($charset ne $output_charset) { my $converter; eval { $converter = Text::Iconv->new($charset, $output_charset) }; ## Catch it! unless ($@) { ## Uups, not catched.. try it! my $converted; $converted = $converter->convert($decoded_body); ## Show decoded string if we can. If not - show original $decoded_body = $converted if $converted; } } ## All done. Replace raw to clear message $header =~ s/=\Q?$charset?$encoding_type?$encoded_body?\E=/$decoded_body/; } return $header; } ########################################################################### ## Updates configuration file ## >> class ## << exitcode sub update_configuration($) { my $class = shift; my $filename = $class->select_config_file(); my $config = $class->config_parse($filename); unless ($config) { print "Cannot open or parse config file '$filename'\n"; return EX_CONFIG(); } my $new_entries = { }; for (keys %{ OPTIONS() }) { if (exists($opts{$_})) { my $entrie = OPTIONS()->{$_}->($opts{$_}, $config); @$new_entries{keys %$entrie} = values %$entrie; } } unless ($class->config_update($filename, %$new_entries)) { print "Cannot open or parse config file '$filename'\n"; return EX_CONFIG(); } print("File $filename updated successfully.\n"); return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Selects current configuration file using passed options and creates it ## if it does not exist ## >> class ## << filename sub select_config_file($) { my $class = shift; my $filename = SERVER_CONFIG_FILE(); if ($opts{'mailname'}) { ## Load PSA configuration file unless ($psa_config) { $psa_config = $class->config_parse(PSA_CFG()); return EX_CONFIG() unless $psa_config; } my ($name, $domain) = split '@', $opts{mailname}; my $user_config_dir = $psa_config->{'PLESK_MAILNAMES_D'} . "/$domain/$name/.spamassassin"; if ($user_config_dir =~ /^(.*)$/) { $user_config_dir = $1; } $filename = "$user_config_dir/user_prefs"; unless (-d $user_config_dir) { mkdir($user_config_dir, 0755); my ($login, $pass, $uid, $gid) = getpwnam(POPUSER()) or do { print POPUSER() . " not in passwd file.\n"; return EX_NOUSER() }; chown($uid, $gid, $user_config_dir); } } if ($filename =~ /^(.*)$/) { $filename = $1; } ## Check for config file exists and create it if not unless (-f $filename) { sysopen(FOUT, $filename, O_CREAT, 0600); close(FOUT); ## Also, the user's config file must be owned by 'popuser' if ($opts{'mailname'}) { my ($login, $pass, $uid, $gid) = getpwnam(POPUSER()) or do { print POPUSER() . " not in passwd file.\n"; return EX_NOUSER() }; chown($uid, $gid, $filename); } } return $filename; } ########################################################################### ## Change props of mailname(s). Thin wrapper around change_mail_prefs_one ## >> class ## << exitcode sub change_mail_prefs($) { my $class = shift; my $status_code = EX_OK(); foreach my $mailname (split(" ", $opts{'mailname'})) { my $rc = $class->change_mail_prefs_one($mailname); if ($rc != EX_OK()) { $status_code = $rc; } } return $status_code; } ########################################################################### ## Change props of one mailname ## >> class ## << exitcode sub change_mail_prefs_one($) { my $class = shift; my $mailname = shift; # Fix of Insecure $ENV{PATH} delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{'PATH'} = $main::ADMIN_DIR; #Fix Insecure dependency if ($mailname =~ /^([\w\-\'][\w+\-\']*(\.[\w+\-\']+)*\@\w+[\w-]*(\.\w[\w-]*)+.*)$/) { $mailname = $1; } my @args = ('--check', '--name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--type=' . 'recipient', '--mailname=' . $mailname, '--queue=' . 'before-local' ); system($main::ADMIN_DIR . '/mail_handlers_control', @args); my $h_exists = $? >> 8; my $exitcode = 0; if ($opts{'enable-checking'}) { if ($h_exists) { @args = (qw|--enable|, '--name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--type=' . 'recipient', '--mailname=' . $mailname, '--queue=' . 'before-local' ); system($main::ADMIN_DIR . '/mail_handlers_control', @args); $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print "Unable to make operation with spam handler for mailname $mailname.\n"; return ERRNO2EX()->{$exitcode} || EX_OSERR(); } } return EX_OK(); } if ($opts{'disable-checking'}) { if ($h_exists) { @args = (qw|--disable|, '--name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--type=' . 'recipient', '--mailname=' . $mailname, '--queue=' . 'before-local' ); system($main::ADMIN_DIR . '/mail_handlers_control', @args); $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print "Unable to make operation with spam handler for mailname $mailname.\n"; return ERRNO2EX()->{$exitcode} || EX_OSERR(); } } return EX_OK(); } if ($opts{'enable-mailname'}) { my $context = 'text'; if ($opts{'action'} eq 'delete') { $context = 'delete'; } elsif ($opts{'action'} eq 'move') { $context = 'move'; } if ($h_exists) { @args = (qw|--remove|, '--name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--type=' . 'recipient', '--mailname=' . $mailname, '--queue=' . 'before-local' ); system($main::ADMIN_DIR . '/mail_handlers_control', @args); $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print "Unable to remove spam handler for mailname $mailname.\n"; return ERRNO2EX()->{$exitcode} || EX_OSERR(); } } @args = (qw|--add|, '--name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--type=' . 'recipient', '--mailname=' . $mailname, '--context=' . $context, '--priority=' . SPAM_HOOK_PRIORITY(), '--queue=' . 'before-local', '--executable=' . SPAM_HOOK(), '--enabled' ); system($main::ADMIN_DIR . '/mail_handlers_control', @args); $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print "Unable to register handler.\n"; return ERRNO2EX()->{$exitcode} || EX_OSERR(); } return EX_OK(); } if ($opts{'disable-mailname'}) { if ($h_exists) { @args = (qw|--remove|, '--name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--type=' . 'recipient', '--mailname=' . $mailname, '--queue=' . 'before-local' ); system($main::ADMIN_DIR . '/mail_handlers_control', @args); $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print "Unable to make operation with spam handler for mailname $mailname.\n"; return ERRNO2EX()->{$exitcode} || EX_OSERR(); } } return EX_OK(); } return EX_OK(); } sub mailnames_mass_action { if ($opts{'mailname'}) { return EX_OK(); } my @args; delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin'; if ($opts{'enable'}) { @args = (qw|--enable-handler|, '--handler-name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--handler-type=' . 'recipient', '--handler-type-name=' . 'all', '--hook=' . 'before-local' ); } elsif ($opts{'disable'}) { @args = (qw|--disable-handler|, '--handler-name=' . HOOK_TMPL(), '--handler-type=' . 'recipient', '--handler-type-name=' . 'all', '--hook=' . 'before-local' ); } else { return EX_OK(); } system($main::ADMIN_DIR . '/mailmng', @args); my $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print "Unable to make mass operation with spam handlers.\n"; return ERRNO2EX()->{$exitcode} || EX_OSERR(); } return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Starts the Spamassassin's daemon ## >> class ## >> show messages ## << exitcode sub start_daemon($) { my $class = shift; my $msgs = shift; my $daemon_status = $class->status_daemon(); if ($daemon_status == EX_OK()) { print "Service is already started.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OK(); } unless ($daemon_status == EX_STOPPED()) { print "The service was not stopped properly. Trying to stop it first...\n" if $msgs; unless ((my $status = $class->stop_daemon($msgs)) == EX_OK()) { print "Unable to start service.\n" if $msgs; return $status; } } ## Load PSA configuration file unless ($psa_config) { $psa_config = $class->config_parse(PSA_CFG()); return EX_CONFIG() unless $psa_config; } chdir($main::QMAIL_DIR); ## Prevent daemon died ## Common arguments my @common_args = (qw|--username=popuser --daemonize --nouser-config|); push @common_args, '--helper-home-dir=' . $main::QMAIL_DIR; $max_children = $opts{'max-children'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ? $1 : 5; push @common_args, '--max-children', $max_children; push @common_args, ( qw|--create-prefs|, '--virtual-config-dir=' . $psa_config->{'PLESK_MAILNAMES_D'} . '/%d/%l/.spamassassin', ) if $opts{'enable-user-configs'}; ## Start full configured daemon my @args = ( @common_args, '--pidfile=' . PID_DIR . '/' ); push @args, ('--socketpath=' . SOCK_DIR . '/spamd_full.sock'); # Fix of Insecure $ENV{PATH} delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; $ENV{'PATH'} = $main::PREFIX . $main::SPAMD_PREFIX; system($main::PREFIX . $main::SPAMD_PREFIX . '/spamd', @args); my $exitcode = $? >> 8; if ($exitcode) { print "Unable to start service.\n" if $msgs; return ERRNO2EX()->{$exitcode} || EX_OSERR(); } for ( 1 .. 20 ) { $daemon_status = $class->status_daemon(); last if $daemon_status == EX_OK(); sleep 1; } unless ($daemon_status == EX_OK()) { print "Unable to start service.\n" if $msgs; return $daemon_status; } print "Service has been successfully started.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Stops the Spamassassin's daemon ## >> class ## >> show messages ## << exitcode sub stop_daemon($) { my $class = shift; my $msgs = shift; # Check service's status. if ($class->status_daemon() == EX_STOPPED()) { print "Service is already stopped.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OK(); } my @pids = grep { /^\d+$/ && $_ } ($full_daemon_pid); my $fail; for my $signal ('TERM', 'KILL') { $fail = 0; last unless @pids; # Send signal. for (@pids) { unless (kill($signal, $_) or $!{ESRCH}) { warn "$0: $!\n"; $fail = 1; } } if ($fail) { print "Unable to stop service.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OSERR(); } # Wait until the daemons die. for ( 1 .. 20 ) { last unless @pids; sleep 1; @pids = grep { my $alive = kill(0, $_); unless ($alive or $!{ESRCH}) { warn "$0: $!\n"; $alive = 1; } $alive; } @pids; } } if (@pids) { print "Unable to stop service.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OSERR(); } print "Service has been successfully stopped.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Restarts the Spamassassin's daemon ## >> class ## >> show messages ## << exitcode sub restart_daemon($) { my $class = shift; my $msgs = shift; my $daemon_status = $class->status_daemon(); if ($daemon_status == EX_STOPPED()) { print "Unable to restart: the service is not running.\n" if $msgs; return EX_STOPPED(); } unless ($daemon_status == EX_OK()) { my $status; print "The service was not stopped properly. Trying to stop it first...\n" if $msgs; unless (($status = $class->stop_daemon($msgs)) == EX_OK()) { print "Unable to restart service.\n" if $msgs; return $status; } print "Now trying to start it...\n" if $msgs; unless (($status = $class->start_daemon($msgs)) == EX_OK()) { print "Unable to restart service.\n" if $msgs; return $status; } print "Service has been successfully restarted.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OK(); } my @pids = ($full_daemon_pid); # Send signals. ## if spamd receives SIGHUP, it internally reloads itself, which means that it will change its pid for (@pids) { unless (/^\d+$/ and kill HUP => $_) { warn "$0: $!\n"; print "Unable to restart service.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OSERR(); } } # Wait until the daemons die. for ( 1 .. 20 ) { last unless @pids; sleep 1; @pids = grep { my $alive = kill(0, $_); unless ($alive or $!{ESRCH}) { warn "$0: $!\n"; $alive = 1; } $alive; } @pids; } if (@pids) { print "Unable to restart service.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OSERR(); } for ( 1 .. 20 ) { $daemon_status = $class->status_daemon(); last if $daemon_status == EX_OK(); sleep 1; } unless ($daemon_status == EX_OK()) { print "Unable to restart service.\n" if $msgs; return $daemon_status; } print "Service has been successfully restarted.\n" if $msgs; return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Status the Spamassassin's daemon ## >> class ## >> messages - output status messages ## << EX_OK for running and EX_STOPPED if else sub status_daemon($;$) { my $class = shift; my $msgs = shift; my @pids = grep { /^\d+$/ && $_ } ($full_daemon_pid); if (scalar @pids && scalar @pids == kill 0, @pids) { print "is running\n" if $msgs; return EX_OK(); } my $pidfile; for my $pid ($full_daemon_pid) { # unless ($pidfile) { $pidfile = PID_DIR . '/' } # else { $pidfile = PID_DIR . '/' } $pidfile = PID_DIR . '/'; $pid = undef; if (open(PIDFILE, $pidfile)) { ## Read pidfile chomp($_ = <PIDFILE>); close(PIDFILE); ## Check for a number unless (/(\d+)/ && $1) { warn "$0: Pidfile $pidfile does not contain valid PID.\n"; return EX_OSFILE(); } $pid = $1; } else { unless ($!{ENOENT}) { warn "$0: $!$/"; return EX_OSFILE(); } } } @pids = grep { /^\d+$/ && $_ } ($full_daemon_pid); my $count = kill 0, @pids; unless ($count) { return EX_STOPPED(); } unless ($count == scalar @pids) { print "The service was not stopped properly.\n" if $msgs; return EX_SOFTWARE(); } print "is running\n" if $msgs; ## For 'clever' PSA return EX_OK(); } sub add_to_list() { my $class = shift; my $name = shift; my @values = split /(?<!\\),\s*/, join ',', @_; foreach my $value (@values) { push @preferencesA, { name => $name, value => $value }; $preferencesH{$name}{$value} = scalar @preferencesA; } } sub del_from_list() { my $class = shift; my $name = shift; my @values = split /(?<!\\),\s*/, join ',', @_; foreach my $value (@values) { $preferencesH{$name}{$value} = undef unless exists $preferencesH{$name}{$value}; } } ########################################################################### ## Parse command line arguments ## Method will exits on error ## >> class ## << none sub cmdline_parse($) { my $class = shift; Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(no_ignore_case)); do { print "Command line usage invalid.\n"; return EX_USAGE() } unless GetOptions(\%opts, 'enable', 'disable', 'enable-server-configs|c', 'enable-user-configs|C', 'sensitivity|s=f', 'modify-header|m=s', 'not-modify-header|M', 'add-to-whitelist|a=s' => sub { shift; $class->add_to_list('whitelist_from', @_) }, 'add-to-blacklist|A=s' => sub { shift; $class->add_to_list('blacklist_from', @_) }, 'del-from-whitelist|d=s' => sub { shift; $class->del_from_list('whitelist_from', @_) }, 'del-from-blacklist|D=s' => sub { shift; $class->del_from_list('blacklist_from', @_) }, 'add-to-unwhitelist|u=s' => sub { shift; $class->add_to_list('unwhitelist_from', @_) }, 'add-to-unblacklist|U=s' => sub { shift; $class->add_to_list('unblacklist_from', @_) }, 'del-from-unwhitelist|l=s' => sub { shift; $class->del_from_list('unwhitelist_from', @_) }, 'del-from-unblacklist|L=s' => sub { shift; $class->del_from_list('unblacklist_from', @_) }, 'enable-checking', 'disable-checking', 'enable-mailname|e', 'disable-mailname|E', 'action|z=s', 'bayes|b', 'spam|p=s' => \@{$opts{spam}}, 'ham|h=s' => \@{$opts{ham}}, 'forget|f=s' => \@{$opts{forget}}, 'clear|r', 'info|i', 'mailname|n=s', 'list-mailbox|x', 'output-charset|o=s', 'max-children=i', # 'rewrite-config', 'help|?', ); for my $name (qw/spam ham forget/) { @{$opts{$name}} = split /(?<!\\),\s*/, join ',', @{$opts{$name}}; for (@{$opts{$name}}) { s/\\,/,/g }; } ## Ok, options has been parsed. Let's get commands for my $cmd (@{ COMMANDS() }) { my $i = 0; for my $arg (@ARGV) { last if $cmd eq $arg; $i++; } $cmds{$cmd} = 1 unless $i > $#ARGV; splice(@ARGV, $i, 1); } ## Define on-cmd line parse error method my $cmd_error = sub { my @lines = @_; push @lines, 'For usage information start utility with \'--help\' option.'; chomp(@lines); my $msg = join "\n", @lines; $msg .= "\n"; print $msg; return EX_USAGE(); }; ## Ok, commands parsed. All of another - is a trash if (@ARGV) { my $s = $#ARGV ? 's' : ''; return $cmd_error->("Unknown option$s/argument$s '@ARGV' specified."); } ## Help needed return usage("For more information read the manual page", EX_OK()) if $opts{'help'} || !(%opts || %cmds); return $cmd_error->("Too many arguments specified.") if keys(%cmds) > 1; ## Command line parsed. Let's check dependencies and cross-races $opts{'mailname'} =~ s/,/ /g; if ($opts{'mailname'}) { ## validate each mailaccout separately ## local of mailname validator completely taken from frontend Checker.pnp/mailname() foreach my $mailname (split(/ /,$opts{'mailname'})) { return $cmd_error->("Specified mailname '${mailname}' is invalid.") unless $mailname =~ /^[\w\-\'][\w&\+\-\']*(\.[\w&\+\-\']+)*\@\w+[\w\-]*(\.\w[\w\-]*)+$/; } } return $cmd_error->("'--enable-user-configs' specified without 'start' command.") if $opts{'enable-user-configs'} && !($cmds{'start'} || $cmds{'restart'}); return $cmd_error->("'--bayes' specified without any train option.") if $opts{'bayes'} && !$opts{'spam'} && !$opts{'ham'} && !$opts{'forget'} && !$opts{'clear'}; return $cmd_error->("'--enable-checking' specified without '--mailname' option") if $opts{'enable-checking'} && !$opts{'mailname'}; return $cmd_error->("'--disable-checking' specified without '--mailname' option") if $opts{'disable-checking'} && !$opts{'mailname'}; return $cmd_error->("'--enable-checking' specified with '--disable-checking' option") if $opts{'enable-checking'} && $opts{'disable-checking'}; return $cmd_error->("'--enable-mailname' specified without '--mailname' option") if $opts{'enable-mailname'} && !$opts{'mailname'}; return $cmd_error->("'--disable-mailname' specified without '--mailname' option") if $opts{'disable-mailname'} && !$opts{'mailname'}; return $cmd_error->("'--enable-mailname' specified with '--disable-mailname' option") if $opts{'enable-mailname'} && $opts{'disable-mailname'}; return $cmd_error->("'--action' specified without '--enable-mailname' option") if $opts{'action'} && !$opts{'enable-mailname'}; return $cmd_error->("'--enable-server-configs' specified without '--enable-mailname' option or 'start' command.") if $opts{'enable-server-configs'} && !($opts{'enable-mailname'} || $cmds{'start'} || $cmds{'restart'}); return $cmd_error->("'--list-mailbox' specified without '--mailname' option") if $opts{'list-mailbox'} && !$opts{'mailname'}; return $cmd_error->("'--output-charset' specified without '--list-mailbox' option") if $opts{'output-charset'} && !$opts{'list-mailbox'}; return $cmd_error->("'--max-children' specified without 'start' command.") if $opts{'max-children'} && !($cmds{'start'} || $cmds{'restart'}); return EX_OK(); } ########################################################################### ## Updates Unix-like config file ## >> class ## >> filename ## >> hash of config entries for update (undef value means 'remove entrie') ## << 1 on success or undef on error sub config_update($$) { my $class = shift; my $filename = shift; my %entries = @_; ## Try to open file unless (open(CONF, $filename)) { print "Unable to open file '$filename': $!\n"; return undef; } ## Load all of config my @config = <CONF>; close(CONF); ## Done loading ## Try to create file $filename =~ /^(.+)$/; $filename = $1; ## care about -T option unless (open(CONF, ">$filename")) { print "Unable to create file '$filename': $!\n"; return undef; } my $selfGeneratedConfigText = "#ATTENTION! # #DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BECAUSE IT WAS GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY, #SO ALL YOUR CHANGES WILL BE LOST THE NEXT TIME THE FILE IS GENERATED. "; print CONF $selfGeneratedConfigText; ## Ok, put all of config file but replace a new entries for (@config) { next if /^\s*#/; ## skip comments next unless /^(\S+)\s+(.+)$/; ## parse key-value pair if (exists($entries{$1})) { ## this entrie must be updated $_ = defined $entries{$1} ? "$1\t$entries{$1}\n" : ''; delete $entries{$1}; } if (exists($preferencesH{$1}{$2})) { $_ = ''; } print CONF; ## Ok, output entry } ## Ok, config file patched. Let's add new entries print CONF "$_" . ($entries{$_} ne '' ? "\t$entries{$_}" : '') . "\n" for grep defined $entries{$_}, keys %entries; print CONF "$_->{name}\t$_->{value}\n" for (@preferencesA); close(CONF); ## All done return 1; } ########################################################################### ## Parses Unix-like config file ## >> class ## >> filename ## << hashref with config data on success or undef on error sub config_parse($$) { my $class = shift; my $filename = shift; my $result = { }; ## Try to open file unless (open(CONF, $filename)) { print "Unable to open file '$filename': $!\n"; return undef; } ## Parse all of config while (<CONF>) { s/^\s*(.+?)\s*$/$1/; ## Skip comment lines next if /^#/; next unless /^(\S+)\s+(.+)$/; $result->{$1} = $2; } close(CONF); ## Well, done return $result; } ########################################################################### ## Safe on-kill method. It will handles SIGTERM and SIGKILL ## >> none ## << none sub killed { $spamtest->finish_learner(); print "interrupted\n" . EX_TEMPFAIL() . "\n"; exit(EX_TEMPFAIL()); } ########################################################################### ## Learn for one mail message ## >> message ID ## >> message count ## >> arrayref with lines of message sub wanted { my ( $class, $id, $time, $dataref ) = @_; my $spam = $class eq "s" ? 1 : 0; $messagecount++; my $ma = $spamtest->parse($dataref); if ( $ma->get_header("X-Spam-Checker-Version") ) { my $dataref = $spamtest->remove_spamassassin_markup($ma); $ma->finish(); $ma = $spamtest->parse($dataref, 1); } my $status = $spamtest->learn( $ma, undef, $spam, $forget ); $learnedcount++ if $status->did_learn(); # Do cleanup ... $status->finish(); undef $status; $ma->finish(); undef $ma; } ########################################################################### ## ## ## ## ## sub wanted_seen { my ($class, $id, $time, $dataref) = @_; my $ma = $spamtest->parse($dataref); chomp(my $subject = $ma->get_pristine_header('Subject')); chomp(my $from = $ma->get_pristine_header('From')); chomp(my $date = $ma->get_header('Date')); my $hits = $ma->get_header('X-Spam-Status'); if ($hits) { $hits =~ /\s(hits|score)=(\S+)\s/; $hits = $2; } else { $hits = '?'; } chomp(my $message_id = $ma->get_header('Message-ID')); if ( $ma->get_header("X-Spam-Checker-Version") ) { my $dataref = $spamtest->remove_spamassassin_markup($ma); $ma->finish(); $ma = $spamtest->parse($dataref); } my $seen = '?'; my @msgid = $spamtest->{bayes_scanner}->get_msgid($ma); foreach my $msgid (@msgid) { $seen = $spamtest->{bayes_scanner}->{store}->seen_get($msgid) || $seen; } ## Print all 'bout mail, but first - decode all of them for ($subject, $from) { $_ = Mail::SpamAssassin::CmdManageSA3->decode_header($_); s/\t/ /g; s/[\n\r]+/ /g; } my $filename = $id =~ /^([^:]+):2,(.*)$/ ? $1: $id; print "$filename\t$subject\t$from\t$date\t$seen\t$hits\t$message_id\n" unless ($2 =~ /T/); # Don't display Trashed messages. # Do cleanup ... $ma->finish(); undef $ma; } ########################################################################### ## Shows usage information from the caller's POD ## >> message - The text of a message to print immediately prior to printing the program's usage message ## >> exitval - The desired exit status to pass to the exit() function. This should be an integer sub usage($$) { my ($message, $exitval) = @_; my $ver = Mail::SpamAssassin::Version(); print "SpamAssassin version $ver\n"; pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -message => $message, -exitval => $exitval); } 1;